Top 6 Website Design Mistakes

The Look

First impressions are crucial on the internet and, if you want people to use your website, you have to look attractive to the reader. Unfortunately, there is no one size fits all solution for this, but following some simple rules would have made many websites more popular with their target readers. Loud music and bright, garish colors are not the way to greet readers of a retirement home website, but there are examples like this all over the World Wide Web.


Website design needs to consider the public’s different devices, and designing purely for laptops or PCs could be fatal. Your website needs to be tablet and, in particular, smartphone friendly. Smartphones are now the most popular way to access the internet, so designing purely for a laptop means ignoring over 30% of internet users. I’m sure you will agree that is not the best strategy.


The websites are supposed to offer a service or information, but, unfortunately, these things are not always accessible. Many websites are too complicated to navigate around and become too much like hard work for people who want an easy life while surfing the net. Undefined menu pages and internal links that are confusing are complete turn-offs for most users and usually relegate a website to an also-ran rather than a top contender.


Smart websites use a web hosting company to make sure they are available on the internet every minute of every day, and this is the only way to ensure loyal readers. It only takes your website being down on one occasion for loyal readers to become disloyal and click to another website. The cost of a web hosting service is often quoted as a reason not to use one. Still, flexible hosting packages are available from reliable companies like best-unlimited web hosting that will enable readers and users to return again and again.


A website’s content is the only reason people visit it and is the main reason people switch away. Boring, irrelevant content is one of the most common website design mistakes, but even the most relevant, interesting content can only be read once before it becomes old. It is a major mistake for websites to sit back and admire what they have created without planning to update articles and blogs regularly. Unless you deal with antiques, you need the most up to date stock and supplies to thrive as a business; and the same is true on the net. If you don’t want to be seen as the internet equivalent of an antique, keep renewing your content.


The competition to appear at the top of a search page is fierce, and successful websites are aware of this. Unfortunately, most websites ignore any strategies to move up the search engine lists and are relegated to oblivion on page 30. Not utilizing links and SEO (search engine optimization) is a mistake made far too often and is why so many of those near billion websites are read by so few.


These are probably the most common website design mistakes that contribute to a lowly ranked website, but they are by no means the only ones. However, if you can avoid these 5 basic mistakes, your website has a far greater chance of success.

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