Now I’m not saying that all their advice is worthless, but in some matters, their advice might be like teaching how to drive a Honda with a buggy and a horse. What can you do with a computer science degree besides programming? Technology jobs without programming are now available and you can get your own place.

Currently, the ambitions and desires of young job seekers have changed a lot from what it used to be a few decades or even a few years ago. As suggested by experts, young professionals are no longer satisfied with the average. They desire to be unique. A huge shift has occurred in the thinking of young minds and how they perceive IT jobs without coding. This is especially driven by the rapid changes in the world of technology that sometimes leaves us gasping for breath as we try to keep up with all the latest innovations. As the experts suggest, you need not learn code. But instead, are there computer science jobs that don’t involve programming.

Computer Science Jobs without Programming

It seems that nowadays everybody needs to learn to code in the IT industry, and it is almost becoming a part of the primary school curriculum. But don’t fret if you just can’t wrap your mind around programming. There are several other lucrative Information Technology jobs in the industry that do not require you to be a coding genius. It is a fact that not everyone is cut out for programming, and there is no need to be disappointed at yourself if you are one of those persons.

1. Designing

This is a lucrative line for those who are interested in fine arts and have decent drawing skills. You only require being adept in useful application software which is used for graphic design in the industry. There are a number of career options for graphic designers, one can designing products and packaging for companies producing substantial goods, design posters and brand images designs ads or even specific products or company logos, or greetings cards the possibilities are vast. All websites require an interesting design to grab the viewer’s attention and to sell their product.

2. Business Analyst

Although developing software seems like an easy task to the users at the end. But one needs to understand that before developing a software business officials need to gather a lot of resources on the topic. A business analyst is a person who although it does not do the programming of the software but has a very good understanding of what the market and customers need. So a business analyst makes the plan of what the software should deliver to the customers on paper which is followed by programmers and software developers who do the coding. An immense amount of translation and interpretation takes in between the two processes before the software can be ready to be available in the market. The business analyst is pertinent to fulfilling the huge gap that resides between a genius developer and the customers.

3. UX and UI Specialist

Now, this is the new kid on the block, UX and a UI specialist are basically personnel responsible for developing User Experience and designing the User Interface and is required to follow a number of regulations while on the job. Now he/she is the person responsible for defining how a user will interact with an application or software or website. So a UI and UX specialist is required to have in-depth knowledge in the field of design, human-computer interaction skills and psychology as well. Their job responsibilities require them to draft up wireframes and make mockups and create test modules while in the procedure of designing an app. A UX or UI expert is required to have a variety of skills and a background in writing, programming, market research, web designing, and psychology.

4. System Administrator

A system administrator is a person responsible for playing the important role of software maintenance. Their job duties involve things like backing up files, setting up servers and taking care of security information and data.

5. Project Managers

Their job role is quite similar to that of the business analyst. But the difference lies in the fact that a project manager needs to have in-depth knowledge about a particular project or company. They are there to fulfill all the needs of developers to keep them happy and working. I believe this article about computer science jobs without programming would be useful for you. If you liked please share it with your friends.

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