What Is A Trademark?

A trademark is any unique sign or identity logo used by a company or product to distinguish itself from the rest, ergo, giving it unique identity of its own that not only categorizes it in a class of its own but helps carve a niche for it in the society. A registered trademark not only helps protect your identity but also to establish it. When to register a trademark is a very common question; finding the answer to this question is very necessary.

Purpose of Trademark

The answer to this question is as simple as is the question. Let us explain this to you with the help of an example. Let’s say you buy a pet dog and name him Scooby. Now, this dog answers to the name Scooby and nothing else; not dog, not a doggy, not eddy, not scrubby either, just Scooby. Ergo, what we are trying to establish here is that the name “Scooby” helps distinguish it from all other dogs, hence, giving it an identity of its own. This is exactly what a trademark does to your company. You not only get a name and photo (let’s say) to support your cause but the opportunity to embrace yourself with one hell of background (for a trademark will back your company to make it big).

Essentials of a Trademark

Before you do a trademark search to check the availability of desired name or logo. You must know- what makes a good trademark? There are online trademark search tools to make the registration process simple. Let’s come back to the topic. Is it the way it is depicted or is there some unseen panache worked upon behind the scenes that help create the logo that it has the potential of becoming? Let’s explore what makes this so appealing to the common as well as the uncommon eye:

 This must truly be one of a kind. Ergo, it must not bear any kind of resemblance to any other brand or logo, or you could land yourself in some nasty legal trouble. This must be radically distinctive if it is to be a success or else your trademark will land in the same league as its peers and will not be able to attract as many eyeballs as you’d like it to. Have a background story to support your trademark. Not only will it help you grab a bit more attention but will provide a little more depth and personal appeal to it. Keep your trademark as simple as possible. A clear sign/logo not only immediately connects with the public but also helps your company establish itself as a simple yet effective one. Before finalizing on your trademark, make sure it agrees with your style of company and approach along with the growth of your company. Make sure that your trademark is not confusing with any prior trademarks or does not hint towards any.

When to Register a Trademark?

All in all, having a brand name is a must; there is no question about it. But having a brand name that suits your idea of a business is like a connection straight to heaven; you don’t have to think twice about it. A trademark that agrees with your business strategy not only helps you to scale gigantic business heights but helps establish yourself as a “biggy” in your area of expertise. Ergo, be wary of what you want and go for what you must; after all, you got one shot at it; make it count! Let’s begin with online trademark search tools, search for availability, and get your registered trademark today. Learn more:

Learn Trademark Registration Procedure in India What is A Trademark  Importance of Trademark for A Startup - 54